Costs incurred from accidents start with lost wages and replacements, medical expenses, insurance, asset damage and other indirect costs. In all, money that is spent dealing with accidents could certainly be better utilized on improving the industry with upgrades in facilities in the way of modernizing and updating. It can be money reinvested in research or in other ways of building a competitive edge in the marketplace or industry.
Doing the Right Thing
To be cost effective a company has to show it's more expensive financially to treat an accident, than to prevent one. Because each company is as unique as a fingerprint, these cost estimates must be made specific to an individual company and not solely by industry factors. Although, some industry factors can influence estimated costs.
Cost Factors
Hidden costs can include accident investigation, emergency responders, clean up, halted production, bad press and the stigma your associates deal with after experiencing first hand a traumatic injury or death. Often employees who have dealt with these types of events never bounce right back to resuming daily activities as they once did.

It has been estimated by the International Labour Organization (ILO) of the United Nations, that an average of 2.2 million people die annually from work related injuries and occupational diseases. Unfortunately this number only represents countries that are transparent with their record keeping. Not all nations are forthcoming with their statistics.
A company rich in safety culture that enforces regulations and administers training on a regular basis and is consistent in record retention, and reporting into a fully integrated safety program can expect to have a positive impact on accident rates, and build a healthy employee base.